Jesus Gives You a Name, Not a Number |
Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique identification number that includes an individual's biometric information, such as fingerprint, retina, and iris scans. Launched in 2009 and managed today by the Indian government's Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), it is the world's largest biometric ID system, involving more than 1.3 billion citizens and residents. According to the UIDAI, the purpose of the Aadhaar number is to help link residents to banking, mobile phone, education, medical care and insurance, pension, welfare, and other government and non-government services. While the Supreme Court of India ruled in 2018 that Aadhaar was not mandatory to open a bank account, be admitted to school, or acquire a mobile phone number, the central government has engaged in efforts to push its citizens to connect this number to a wide range of services essential to participating in society. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates expressed his enthusiasm for this biometric ID system. It is imperative to him that people, wherever they are in the world, be able to prove their identity; otherwise, they would remain invisible to the eyes of government and be ignored. He said that the benefits of Aadhaar were very high and that his foundation has been funding the World Bank to develop this system in other countries. Former Chief Economist of the World Bank, Paul Romer, described this system as the most sophisticated he had ever seen, the basis for all kinds of connections, such as financial transactions, and that it would be good for the world to adopt a standardized form of this system so that it can be used to identify people wherever they are globally.
As partners with Bill Gates and the World Bank, the World Economic Forum (WEF) also seeks to establish a global digital ID system. In their Insight Report of September 2018, entitled Identity in a Digital World: A New Chapter in the Social Contract, the WEF expressed their goals of developing a worldwide centralized biometric digital ID system that would be tied to an individual's ability to communicate, access health services, carry out financial transactions, procure food, travel, and use energy, particularly in so-called "smart cities," also known as "15-minute cities." Sneakers is a 1992 American comedy-drama film that features Martin Bishop, the head of a group of experts who specialize in testing security systems. Bishop and his team are blackmailed by corporate thugs masquerading as government agents into stealing a top-secret black box with the capability to decode all existing computer encryption systems around the world. This would allow whoever possessed it to see and control virtually anything and anyone. The goons worked for the film's antagonist, Cosmo. Near the end of the film, Cosmo explained to Bishop why he wanted the black box.
Devastating wildfires, many of them due to deliberate infrastructure and forest mismanagement or arson, have been occurring in many parts of the world, such as Lahaina on the Hawaiian island of Maui, Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories of Canada, the Greek islands of Rhodes and Corfu, and Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain. This is in addition to widespread attacks on food production hubs and manufacturers of inexpensive, functional, and reliable energy. These things are being used by globalist elites collaborating with organizations like the WEF, United Nations, and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to promote the "man-made climate change" narrative, implement policies of enforced austerity on us, and call for concentrating people into "smart cities" to supposedly save the earth. In such cities, residents would eventually be issued a digital biometric ID with a unique number tied to a central bank digital currency (CBDC), where all financial transactions and other aspects of life would be monitored and controlled. If a person or organization runs afoul of the global elite's propaganda of the day, that individual or organization may have their ability to conduct financial transactions disrupted or canceled. Examples include British broadcaster and former politician Nigel Farage, whose bank accounts were terminated by National Westminster Bank (NatWest) for his political views and affiliations, and Christian charity Indigenous Advance Ministries, which was debanked by Bank of America for its support of traditional families and young orphans in Uganda, a country that rejects the promotion of the LGBTQ+ religion.
The all-encompassing information on an individual provided to those who manage the biometric ID system grants them the ability to control what is seen and heard, mold thinking, and determine how one should live. Data is used as a chain of servitude to the power of the global elite. More than 1,900 years ago, the apostle John wrote of a global government that would be led by a satanically-empowered beastly man and system that would enslave the people of the world with a mandated number in order to participate in society.
While biometric ID systems like Aadhaar and CBDCs do not fulfill this biblical passage at this time, it is not difficult to see them and other components of surveillance and control as setting the stage for this to come to pass. Unlike in previous years, all the technological capabilities to accomplish this are in existence today. In Revelation 1:11, John was instructed by Jesus Christ to write seven letters to seven churches located in Asia Minor, present-day Turkey. In the letter to the church at Pergamum, Jesus commended the Christians there for not denying His name and remaining faithful to Him in spite of suffering severe persecution in this stronghold of satanic power. He called on them to cease tolerating false teachers among them. Jesus concluded the letter with this promise:
Contrary to global elitists who seek to take everything away from us under one pretext or another, God gives freely and abundantly His perfect provision through the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ (John 6:35). In opposition to the efforts of global elites to censor and cast black stones (blackball) against those who do not follow their narratives of the day, Jesus gives a white stone of forgiveness, love, and acceptance with God. In contrast to globalists who want to give people a number to control, enslave, and eventually destroy them, Jesus gives all who trust in Him a new name, signifying an intimate relationship with God, freedom, and assurance of eternal life. Jesus loves you, not in general, but in particular. He gives you a name, not a number. Trust in Him today! |
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