by Rolaant McKenzie |
For followers of the science fiction television and movie series Star Trek, one of the most memorable and recurring antagonists is the Borg, a race of beings composed of organic and biomechatronic body parts linked together in a hive mind called "the Collective". In their goal to achieve perfection, the Borg travel through the galaxy extending their power and control by integrating the knowledge and technology of other alien species through a process called "assimilation," where individuals are forcibly injected with nanoparticles that alter their cellular DNA and transform them into drones for the Collective. Each Borg has no individual thoughts or will. They are in a group consciousness where all are constantly supervised, guided, and controlled. "Life imitating art" describes something occurring in real life the same or similar to something depicted in a piece of art or fiction. An example of this can be seen in the World Economic Forum (WEF), an organization that is a major mover and shaker in world affairs today. It is described as an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Klaus Schwab, a German economist and mechanical engineer, founded this non-governmental organization (NGO) in Switzerland in 1971. The WEF is best-known for the annual conferences it holds in Davos, Switzerland that brings together hundreds of political and business leaders from around the world to discuss current international issues and challenges. It is one of the most important networks in the world for the globalist power elite, being funded by approximately 1,000 multinational corporations, private donors, and government contributions. In 1992, Dr. Schwab began a parallel organization called the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school (the name later changed in 2004 to The Forum of Young Global Leaders). Applicants to this school are subjected to a very rigorous selection process. The more than 1,200 graduates include some of the most powerful presidents, prime ministers, senior government advisors, health bureaucrats, and wealthiest business leaders in the world. In June 2020, at its 50th annual meeting, the WEF announced the launch of the Great Reset, an initiative to reimagine the world and transform the global economy. Part of this effort involves transhumanism -- the development of technologies that cross physical, digital, and biological worlds to improve human mental and physical capabilities. That is, to make disabilities, suffering, disease, aging and involuntary death a thing of the past. Dr. Schwab describes this in more detail in his 2016 book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. According to him, this revolution will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it. In a January 10, 2016, television interview on the Swiss channel RTS, in response to the interviewer's question regarding when he thought implantable microchips would be implemented on humanity, he said:
In a book co-authored with Thierry Malleret in July 2020, COVID-19: The Great Reset, Dr. Schwab declared that the COVID-19 crisis represented an unprecedented opportunity to reimagine the world -- that is, to implement the Great Reset. This includes genetic engineering involving making people part synthetic and organic, incorporating them into the Internet of Bodies (IoB) (an evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT)), and merging them into a required global digital identification regime in order to participate in this reimagined world. Klaus Schwab's top advisor and transhumanist, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, openly admits that the gathering of enormous amounts of data on individuals would enable global elites to build a digital dictatorship that tyrants of the past could only have imagined but did not yet have sufficient knowledge of biotechnology to implement. Here are a few more ideas expressed by Dr. Harari that illustrate his worldview:
One of the slogans of this effort is "Build Back Better", a saying echoed by many political and business leaders around the world over the past few years. "Build Back Better" envisions a world where everyone is tied to a digital identification that links to a central bank programmable digital currency, electronic health records, travel, and a social credit score like the kind used in communist China today. This is a ranking assigned to individuals that determines access to society based on compliance with social and political dictates. In short, every facet of life would be controlled by those who manage this system. But in order to "Build Back Better", the current world system must be dismantled, demolished, and destroyed. Disruptions and chaos are either designed or exploited by these global elites to bring about the Fourth Industrial Revolution described by Klaus Schwab, and there are many graduates of his Young Global Leaders school who are now in positions of great power, wealth, and influence around the world working to make this come to fruition. Some may remember the 1999 science fiction action film called The Matrix. It depicts a future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality, the Matrix, which an artificial intelligence (AI) created to distract humans while exploiting the bioelectric power of their bodies as an energy source. Mark Zuckerberg, an alumnus of The Forum of Young Global Leaders, is the founder of Meta (formerly Facebook, Inc.). In another example of life imitating art, he is investing billions of dollars in the development of the Metaverse, a virtual world accessible through a special immersive headset that completely isolates a person from his immediate surroundings. This artificial world would allow people to escape the challenges of life to supposedly live the kind of fuller lives only the very wealthy experience in the real world. This, of course, comes at a great price. Those in this system would be so distracted in time that they may not realize their pacification, exploitation, and loss of freedom. They would be like the people of the church of Laodicea described in Revelation 3:17. In an episode of television show Star Trek: The Next Generation, when Captain Picard was abducted by the Borg and assimilated into their Collective, he was saved from their system and restored to humanity after he was rescued by the U.S.S. Enterprise crew and the Borg nanoparticles controlling him removed from his body. In The Matrix, protagonist Thomas Anderson was saved from the illusory world of the AI system and restored to humanity by Morpheus and his team when they unplugged him from the pod that imprisoned, controlled, and exploited him as an energy source. Many of those belonging to international efforts such as those promoted by the WEF and its allies are reminiscent of the kings of the earth in Psalm 2 who conspire against the Lord Jesus Christ. They are blinded by the god of this world from seeing reality of "the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). They seek to usurp His righteous rule by creating an artificial, dark reality where they think they can be the lords of life and death over a humanity they reimagine and recreate in their own image. Captain Picard and Thomas Anderson illustrate the idea of something too strong and too evil from which to escape by themselves. They needed outside help to save them from a terrible fate. Likewise, the "collective" or "matrix" being constructed by the global elites of today is too powerful and evil to escape on our own. We need Someone from the outside far more powerful and willing to save us -- and that Someone is Jesus Christ. Some of us may have come from religious traditions that, while not dismissing the resurrection of Jesus, diminished or distracted from its importance in favor of adhering to certain distinctive doctrines, or successively better law-keeping for salvation. This presented a false reality that obscured the fact that the resurrection provided the basis for the new birth -- our dead spirits being brought to eternal life.
Christians have traditionally gathered to worship the Lord, be exhorted in their faith in Him, and encourage one another on the first day of the week. Recognizing this day, especially Resurrection Day Sunday (Easter), was an expression of faith in the reality of the resurrection of Christ from the dead that glorious morning after paying in full the debt of sin on the cross and being buried in the grave (1 Corinthians 15:1-8). It was an appreciation of God's love in delivering them from the dark, artificial kingdoms of this world to the glorious reality of eternity in the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Just as God overthrew and humiliated the gods of Egypt and delivered Israel from their captivity when they could not deliver themselves (Exodus 12:12), He will deliver us from the god of this world and his servants who seek to build an all-powerful false reality to enslave and destroy humanity. Through His death on the cross, Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities, making a public display of them, having triumphed over them (Colossians 2:9-15). He saved sinners who trust in Him from their captivity by canceling their unpayable sin debt on the cross. Because Jesus rose again from the dead, He is the only one who can deliver His people from the clutches of those seeking to create the Great Reset. Jesus in scoffing laughter will bring their plans to nothing and shatter their efforts with a rod of iron (Psalm 2:4-12; Revelation 11:16-18, 19:11-21). As we live in the reality of Christ, we still live in a world corrupted by sin and run by wicked people that seek to distract and assimilate us into their "reality". It can often produce a stress on our lives that makes us very weary. But the apostle Paul encourages us not to despair, but to live in hope. Do not throw in the towel or drop out of the race. The struggle is more than worth it!
Along with the aches and pains, the degradation of strength, and the corruption our bodies experience over time in this world, all of nature undergoes a similar decay. There is nothing in the utopian transhumanist dream of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that can change this. It is a poor counterfeit that cannot deliver what it promises because of the sinful nature of man that ends only in death. The true and only remedy is the salvation secured through the bodily resurrection of Jesus. We look forward not to an artificial, imperfect body made by fallen man that cannot last, but to an eternal, perfect body created by God and granted as a gift to all who trust in Jesus.
Though we groan within our earthly bodies, we have the guarantee of eternal life in Jesus as a present reality, even though we still see this through the eyes of faith. At the heart of the gospel message in 1 Corinthians 15 is Jesus conquering death by rising from the grave. Because of this truth, those who believe in Him will experience a permanent upgrade:
The new world order of suffering and death came through Adam's sin, but it was overcome by the Greatest Reset of Jesus dying on the cross for sinners and paying their debt in full (Romans 5). The great reset has been thoroughly defeated by the Greatest Reset of Jesus rising from the dead. Because He is risen, the redemption of our bodies from mortality to immortality is certain, and along with creation we will experience the culmination of our longing to be with Jesus, our Redeemer, forever. |
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