Forever for Free by Rolaant McKenzie |
In Time (2011) is an American science fiction action film involving a late-22nd century society where people are genetically engineered to stop aging at 25. Everyone at birth receives a digital time clock embedded in the forearm as part of this process. On the day a person turns 25, he is granted one year of time for free, and the clock begins counting down. Old age is no longer a cause of death, but having a clock reach zero through carelessness, being the victim of theft, suicide, or simply running out of time. Because of this, time is a universal currency traded for goods and services that is transferred between people by touch. The country is divided into time zones based on the wealth of its residents and policed by Timekeepers.
Dayton is the poorest zone, where people struggle to earn a day of time if they do not work in the local factory. Death by running out of time is common in this zone. New Greenwich, on the other hand, is the wealthiest zone, where its residents enjoy virtual immortality. It is revealed in the film that there is enough time for everyone to live a full life, but the elite of New Greenwich continually raise the cost of living to keep the people of Dayton poor and dying, storing most of the time taken from them in capsules to allow themselves to live forever. The society depicted in this movie can be viewed as a metaphor for the kind of society global elites working in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Bank, supranational corporations, and the United Nations want to impose on the world. But instead of using time as the critical element of control, it is carbon dioxide (CO2), a trace gas that comprises approximately 0.04% of the Earth's atmosphere. CO2 is a natural and essential part of the Earth's atmosphere, necessary for life. The exhaled breath of human beings contains about 4% CO2. Plants, through the photosynthesis process, use sunlight, water, and CO2 to produce oxygen. Crop yields, and therefore food production, increase with additional CO2 levels in the atmosphere or in commercial greenhouses. The "Big Lie" describes the propaganda technique that if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. Using this tactic, the global elite have gone to great lengths to propagandize the world into believing that CO2 is a pollutant that is poisoning the atmosphere, is the cause of global cooling/global warming/climate change, and that people need to minimize their "carbon footprint" by adopting restrictions on energy use, food, travel, and even procreation. It is evident that they do not believe their own propaganda because, even taking into account their false premises, they continue to travel to their climate conferences in hundreds of private jets, making several hundred times the "carbon footprint" in one event than the average person does in a whole year. The WEF is a central player in this effort as it seeks to develop ways to control people through digital identification that tracks, among other things, the "carbon footprint" of individuals. In a panel discussion at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the WEF, Alibaba Group President Michael Evans spoke of their development of technology to track CO2 emissions and carbon credits down to the level of the individual. He said, "We are developing through technology the ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint. What does that mean? Where and how are they traveling? What are they eating? What are they consuming? The individual carbon footprint tracker. Stay tuned. We do not have it operational yet, but this is something we are working on." Should the WEF and its global elitist collaborators succeed in implementing such a surveillance and control scheme, it would be similar to the social credit score system attached to individual digital identification that micromanages the lives of people in communist China, where unapproved statements, behaviors, and purchases can result in food, travel, financial, and other restrictions. They will use it to make themselves wealthier and more powerful, and like the elite of In Time, they will manipulate the system so that they can continue living luxuriously in their mansions, traveling in their private jets, yachts, and limousines, while gradually raising the cost of living by requiring more carbon credits from the common people to make them poorer, more under their control, and easier to eliminate when they can no longer earn enough to live or otherwise justify their existence. The global elites will continue to gaslight the world into believing that "two plus two equals five" in their efforts to achieve totalitarian control over society, but their power to enslave and destroy is diminished when people together realize that "the emperor has no clothes" and stand up locally against their false crises and solutions. They seek to place us on their hamster wheel and, like the residents of Dayton in In Time, keep us continually running to acquire more and more currency to live that is decreasing in value, use us up, and discard us like a battery drained of energy in the false belief that doing so will allow them to live forever. However, the global elite, like the rest of us, have a timer that is counting down, and no amount of currency, power, or technology can add even a moment to it. When it reaches zero, life on earth is done. Through His sinless life, bloody death on the cross, and resurrection from the dead, Jesus, out of His great love and grace for humanity, provides eternal life to all who repent of their sins and believe the gospel (John 3:16-18; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Titus 3:3-7).
Trust solely in Jesus. He gives forever for free. |
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